Business opportunities and employment in the tourism sector : work to entertain making
tourism one of the sectors that knows no crisis: from North to South,
numerous possibilities for enterprise and work for people of all ages,
with a particular eye to the feminine world
Summer is approaching, and with it the holidays and the desire to escape. The
days are longer and the Sun alone, the first temperature peaks, the
scents of nature that blooms and grows ... everything we say it is time
for innovation.
if you are looking for your job opportunities or business if you have
creativity and desire to satisfy the customer, if you would like to work
to entertain others and to offer an attractive product, maybe the
tourist sector is the one that's right for you: an entrepreneurial space
knows no crisis, and appeals to public and private investment. The
reason is simple: improve tourism and infrastructure that support it,
thus facilitating the creation of new companies and new jobs, improves
the quality of life of all, multiply the foreign presence, produces
wealth and satisfaction for residents and for the country.
"Fare Turismo" Italy: a festival for tourism on the peninsula
these themes focused the manifestation "fare Turismo" Italy 2011, held
in April in Rome: to promote the event, a company based in Salerno, the
sas Leader. An important signal to our South, too often accused of immobility and inability to promote wealth.
days dedicated to the beautiful country and its many opportunities for
the promotion of tourism, with round tables, meetings with experts,
in-depth seminars, activities for schools and universities, spaces for
comparison on policies, training times and work orientation, specific
times for personnel selection-long-term or for next summer-by numerous
organizations and tourism companies operating on the territory:
agencies for labor (Manpower), tour operators (Valtur, Phone & Go,
Costa Cruises, Club Med) and chains (Accor, Alpitour World, Baglioni,
Hilton, Radisson Blu, Royal Group, Sheraton, Sol Melià, Starwood, HH
Hotels – Hotel Bellavista, Hotel Invest Italiana, Intercontinental
Hotels & Resorts – De La Ville Rome, NH Hotels, Ora Hotels,
Cooperativa D.O.C, Forte Village).
Entrepreneurship and education in tourism: opportunities for the start up and professionals
turismoLe tourist opportunities, both for enterprise creation for
finding a job, were manifold: adequate space was devoted to the
presentation of the different professionals working in the tourist
sector, and little known to the general public, from those relating to
hotel (Hotel Manager, sales manager, Porter, head of reception and
receptionist services, accommodation services) to those relating to
tourist agencyas the Technical Director of the
Agency, the travel agency, tourist guide and tourist guide, tourist
operator and programmer in the production and distribution, to tourist
professions in the public sector, in institutions, in local government,
in holdings of tourist promotion, regional agencies and organizations. All
this, of course, with a particular eye to new professions, research and
strategic analysis in tourism, which represent the real challenge for
the future: the expert in marketing and tourism promotion, the expert of
web marketing, revenue management and social networks.
la formazione e per le imprese, were presented for funding specific
programmes in collaboration with Intesa San Paolo, the official partner
of the exhibition: a loan-subsidized school until 30 November this year,
with funding for an amount from 2000 to 4000 euro and duration from 12
to 24 months, for the purchase of study AIDS and work and for the
payment of tuition fees; loans for start-up of
enterprises operating in the tourism and training, in collaboration with
Eurofidi and Artigiancredito, after presentation of the project. In
addition, numerous opportunities with the facilitation of Tourism
project, Intesa San Paolo, designed for entrepreneurial activities in
the sector, which also provides insurance policies on funding to protect
the company from unforeseen events.
Rome City tourism and training
particular space, both for the number of these who stand for the amount
of events and spaces, went to Rome, "city of tourism": in particular, a
roundtable discussion with this title, aiming to highlight the job
prospects and proposals for training in Rome and Lazio, saw political
leaders intervene
Roma città del turismo e della formazione
spazio particolare, sia per il numero di stand presenti che per la
quantità di eventi e di spazi dedicati, è stato assegnato a Roma, "città
del turismo": in particolare una tavola rotonda con questo titolo,
mirante a sottolineare le prospettive di lavoro e le proposte per la
formazione nella capitale e nel Lazio, ha visto intervenire esponenti
della politica e della cultura, concordi
nell'individuare come priorità assoluta il potenziamento delle
infrastrutture, al fine di incrementare il turismo, moltiplicare le
offerte, aumentare le presenze e creare nuovi posti di lavoro per i
proposta a breve termine è stata inoltre l'istituzione di un tavolo di
lavoro che stabilisca contatti con il mondo accademico, con gli
operatori dell'istruzione superiore e con i centri di competenza
professionale della regione, per analizzare e trovare soluzioni alle
problematiche della formazione locale. A questo
scopo si è anche tenuto un incontro tra i rettori delle Università e i
direttori delle scuole di Turismo e dei master di alta formazione nel
settore, con momenti specifici destinati ai giovani delle scuole
superiori, e finalizzati alla presentazione dell'offerta formativa e
delle conoscenze da acquisire per lavorare costruttivamente in questo
campo così promettente.
grande spazio espositivo allestito presso il Salone delle Fontane
all'EUR, hanno trovato posto stand di Istituzioni (Roma Capitale –
dipartimento Turismo; Ministero del lavoro e
delle Politiche Sociali), organizzazioni nazionali di categoria
(Confindustria AICA e Alberghi, Confturismo e Confcommercio,
Federalberghi, Federterme, Federturismo Confindustria, Federviaggio),
enti (Ente Bilaterale Turismo della Regione Lazio, Istituto Nazionale
Ricerche Turistiche, Società Italiana di Scienze del turismo,
Trenitalia, Intesa San Paolo), associazioni professionali (Direttori
d'Albergo, Alberghi per la Gioventù, Impiegati d'Albergo, Guide
Turistiche, Tour Operator Italiani, Portieri d'Albergo,
Imprese Turistiche del Lazio, AssoTravel, Assoturismo confesercenti
Roma e Provincia), agenzie per il lavoro (SOUL – Sistema Orientamento
Università Lavoro, Guida Viaggi Lavoro), agenzie web di recruiting e
orientamento alla formazione (Formazione, Isfol
orientaonline), Università e Scuole di Master (Centro Studi CTS,
Fondazione Campus – Lucca, LHE/Glion – Institute of Higher Education
& Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, LUISS
Business School, Luspio – Libera Università degli
Studi per l'innovazione e le organizzazioni di Roma, Sapienza
Università di Roma, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata",
Università di Napoli "Suor Orsola Benincasa", Università IULM – Milano,
Università Telematica E-Campus).
Laura Carmen Paladino
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