
Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012


In accordance with article 2082 of the civil code (book V, title II, chapter I, section I) defining entrepreneur who carries on an economic activity professionally organized in order of production or exchange of goods or services.

As a result the firm legal point of view, is an economic activity professionally organized in order of production or exchange of goods or services.

Tuscany now has 22 DOP

Tuscany now has 22 DOP
Is chestnut flour della Lunigiana DOP product of the Region 22mo registered by the European Commission. Per le imprese del settore a breakthrough: typical raw materials will be preserved by competition from foreign productions

Brown heritage colo toscano has received in recent days the Fifth Community protection: to be protected by the designation of origin ora sono la Farina di Neccio della Garfagnana, Marrone del Mugello PGI, Marrone di Caprese Michelangelo PDO and the Amiata PGI chestnuts. This is internationally recognized and protected product quality obtained with difficulty by all stakeholders.

The characteristics that have given rise to the European Commission's approval of the chestnut flour of Lunigiana are as follows: it is a sweet flour produced exclusively from the processing of chestnuts from trees of the ancient species Castanea sativa, which grows only on a particular territory (Brescia, Carpanese, Rossola). These chestnuts must be collected only between 29 September and 15 December, after which are left dry in low heat gradili for 15 days. They are then cleaned from the outer husk and then tossed by hand to eliminate impure parts. Finally, traditional windmills are milled into stone. In these mills may not be ground more than 5 tons of dried chestnuts a day (otherwise the stone gets hot and the flour loses its valuable feature, the "boralcatura").

Bakers in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy

Bakers in Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Unlimited support from small businesses that produce bread, to face foreign competition and the economic crisis: Joint notice. Signed by Unione regionale bakers and white art workers of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the regional representations of Fai Cisl, Uila Cgil and Uil Flai

For 450 companies employing 2,500 people for the production of bread and 1,500 others in related industries (from raw material sales) was entered into an arrangement which has the following objectives: the establishment of a bilateral Institution for the protection and development of the sector; the creation of a regional contract shared platform that integrates the national contract work; the establishment of a regional observatory which propose improvements for entrepreneurship.

Business opportunities and employment in the tourism sector

Business opportunities and employment in the tourism sector : work to entertain making tourism one of the sectors that knows no crisis: from North to South, numerous possibilities for enterprise and work for people of all ages, with a particular eye to the feminine world

Summer is approaching, and with it the holidays and the desire to escape. The days are longer and the Sun alone, the first temperature peaks, the scents of nature that blooms and grows ... everything we say it is time for innovation.

And if you are looking for your job opportunities or business if you have creativity and desire to satisfy the customer, if you would like to work to entertain others and to offer an attractive product, maybe the tourist sector is the one that's right for you: an entrepreneurial space knows no crisis, and appeals to public and private investment. The reason is simple: improve tourism and infrastructure that support it, thus facilitating the creation of new companies and new jobs, improves the quality of life of all, multiply the foreign presence, produces wealth and satisfaction for residents and for the country.

Shady business in the Vatican Bank?

Money-laundering of money, an indiscretion or awkward person? The Vatican remained silent in
lathe to the resignation, when it was about to be stopped, the Director of the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi.

Tedeschi directed the Istituto per le Opere di Religione (Institute for works of Religion), which is, in reality, the Vatican Bank. Its history goes back to the 19th century, but with its structure and current name exists since 1942. In recent decades, were again and again accused the institution of being involved in shady business. A new milestone in this tale of alleged corruption is the resignation of its director, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi.